Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Bless the Bride!

I do bless her, frequently. She was one of the loveliest people I've ever known, and the man beside her too. My Auntie Josie and Uncle Allan, on their wedding day, 8 May 1945.  When they fixed it I suppose they had no idea what a momentous day it would be. 

She was a Land Girl during the war. A city girl, posted up to the Highlands. He was what my Grannie called a teuchter, Gaelic his first language, and he never fully mastered English.
I don't know much about how they got together, and got past Grannie's reservations, but they were married in Oban on this day, and lived happily ever after. Truthfully.

They were second parents to me after my father died, when I was 11. He gave me away at my wedding, Auntie Josie tweaked my (home-made) wedding dress so it looked quite presentable ...

There's one other thing I think I should say. On the 50th anniversary of VE Day, I happened to be with my Ma, Auntie J and her daughter. The conversation got around to the significance of the date, and my mother nodded at me and said 'That's my VE night celebration'. ???? I did the sums. I was born in early February 1946 .........

So, I may not remember it, but it was an important day for me.

PS Ma is Matron of Honour in the extra, the Best Man is one of Uncle A's brothers, there were many, peas in a pod, don't know which one this is.

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