In the garden

No walk by the river today. It's a sunny bank holiday so there's always a chance of getting within 100yds of someone. I took some pics of the flowers appearing in the garden now. 
Main is always a favourite of mine Aquilegia. Unlike MrsW I'm a lazy gardener and the aquilegia seems to grow itself and look after itself.
1st extra is a clematis we inherited called Doctor Ruppel. MrsW finds Dr Ruppel a bit garish for her taste. He certainly announces himself. 
2nd extra is the kind of clematis she prefers, Miss Bateman, a retiring lady coyly positioned in the shade. 
3rd extra, last but not least,  is a little gem. Believed to be a Nectaroscordum siculum or Sicilian honey garlic grown from seed which MrsW was given by one of her old customers. Four years or more in the making!   

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