Mirror Thames

Up early for a bike ride today - Tim and I headed out together, but went in separate directions when we got to the heath (he wanted exercise, I wanted beauty).  We made it out by 9am - on a bank holiday - but it was still much busier than I'd have liked.  I mostly managed to keep my distance from everyone else, but a couple of times people ran straight at me (while I was trying to give someone else room) or walked right next to me (while I was dutifully giving someone else about 3 metres' space while we waited to cross a road).  I was really quite grumpy by the time I got home.  I did get some beauty in the middle though - the Thames was so still (and the tide so low - I wish I could've sneaked in a bit of mudlarking!)  

Had a super relaxed day after that - so nice not feeling like I had to do anything.  Faffed about with photos, played on the PS4, and not a lot else - other than watching various bits of the VE Day commemorations on TV.

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