V E DAY 2020

The Close Whatsapp group has been buzzing all week making arrangements for our VE Day celebrations.  Some folk were sitting out from 11 am - although the " official " start time was 3pm.

When I mentioned it to Neil yesterday he asked if I wanted him and Rachael to come up and keep me company - save me sitting out on my own.  I did ask my neighbours via WhatsApp if this would be OK and they said it was fine.  So Neil and Rachael walked up from their house this afternoon.  Its 3 miles and a steep uphill climb all the way.  They were glad of a sit down when they arrived.  I provided a table and chairs set up on the pavement  -  more than 6 feet away from me. ( and everyone else ) They brought their own food and drink.  So we were able to keep to the social distancing rules.  Rachael had made some red, white and blue bunting which she fixed  up along my wall.  One of the neighbours had a sound system and there was music playing all afternoon.  And another neighbour brought round some lovely Victoria sponge cake.  The weather was perfect- warm and sunny and everyone had a great time. There are 8 children in The Close and it was lovely to see them all playing out and having fun dancing to the music. 

Musical link I'LL BE SEEING YOU - by Billie Holiday

Steps today - 3,905


CORONA CLASSIC  -  Beethoven - Symphony No. 5

This piece of music became a symbol for the Allied Forces during the war.  The short-short-short-long pattern matched the Morse code to the letter ‘V’ for victory, a hand gesture often used by Winston Churchill.

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