
On paper it was simple. Walk to Tollcross and catch a no 16 bus to Newhaven.
On paper they come very 10 mins. In reality in the cold rain and blustery winds, they come in pairs after 20minutes. I suppose like everything else, there's safety in numbers.
Not the best start then for my foray to sample the delights of the shore at Newhaven Harbour.

I was quite prepared for the tide being out, but was surprised to see the strong wind already whipping the water back into the harbour to right the boats lying drunkenly in the mud.

Outside the harbour, the sea was a large expanse white topped waves with the seagulls playing in the air currents above, and although the rain had stopped with the appearance of the sun, there were ominous looking dark clouds banked up over the coast of Fife, allowing only the smallest peep of blue sky.

It was not a day to tarry, and with the strong cold west wind threatening to push me and the camera into the harbour. I called the photo shoot off and allowed myself to be blown back to Ocean Terminal and a warm bus journey home.

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