15 Years: One For Kirby

Fifteen years ago today, May 8, 2005, this guy walked into our lives. I thought of it today, when I was doing the same thing I was then: planting tomatoes. On that day, I heard a jingling, from his dog collar, and saw Kirby and a traveling buddy of his, walking through our back yard. I said, “Hey, what are you guys doing?” Kirby’s companion bolted, but Kirby came over, laid down, put his head on my foot and said, “I’m home.” He was the best dog ever, and I always marveled at how close he was to just heading on up the road and missing us. I thought of him today, as I planted more of the garden, and as I often do, and consider how blessed we were, and he was, to have landed here. The garden shot here is the exact spot he came to me. I miss that guy every day, but I know he’s still here, and I know we gave him, and he gave us, the best lives possible. Thanks again, Paula, for the beautiful pictures of him.

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