Tongue out tonight
This shot, through the kitchen window, was taken at 7:21 this evening, a rainy one at that. She had most likely her last evening sip before tucking away on what promises to be a very cold night. She's showing off her magnificent tongue, a tongue that scientists now believe works like an elastic micropump. Previously, since 1830, ornithologists assumed that they drank by capillary action. She stayed on the curvy old branch I have attached to the feeder for a long time, searching I assume for the elusive male we saw briefly last night. It's not the sharpest shot I had of her emerald feathers, but she wanted you to see and learn about her tongue.
For the Record,
This day came in cool with temps that kept falling. It's raining now and many places in New England are going to get snow.
All hands wary
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