Backpack TopherHack

By TopherHack

Eyes Wide Shut

One of the things I love about blipping, is that it tends to transform the way you look at the world.
Suddenly everything you see, and everywhere you go is that potential next blip - you almost feel like an addict searching for his next fix.

In a place where half the population shuffles along, zombie-like, permanently staring down at a smartphone (probably not a purely Korean phenomenon) I sometimes feel like I know a secret to enjoying daily life everyone else is yet to discover.

Today I noticed, down an alleyway I've passed a thousand times before, some very nice, Banksy-esque stencil art.
The boy with the gun is actually firing at a little girl with gun, stencilled on the wall opposite - I'll be back another day to blip her, and make them a pair.

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."
- Confucius

For those who may be wondering, the large writing on the right reads 'namseongbok', and the smaller on the left states 'hanbok' - which mean 'menswear' and 'traditional clothes' respectively (the wall backs onto a market that mostly sells fruit & veg, seafood and clothes).

You can check out some of Korea's beautiful 'hanbok' here, as worn by popular girl band Girls Generation.
They also look adorable on kids.

On cats, not so much.

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