Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Garden sport

This morning Luke, Gavin and I took Xena for a long walk. We ended up going from one set of woods to another and another and by the end of the walk had done 9km. It was very hot today so Xena was hot and thirsty by the time we got home, although we did pass a stream where she cooled down and drank water on the way.

We changed our menu plans and decided to have a BBQ for lunch today as the weather was so good. Today it is around 24C and it cools off a bit tomorrow but drops to 11C on Monday. The boys don't mind as they say they can work better when the weather is not so good! 

Thomas has been very busy with his university studies, he has online lectures and zoom supervisions for which he has to prepare work beforehand - last week he had five supervisions and was working till late at night to get the work done. Full academic fees are still payable this term but there are no accommodation costs.

After lunch the boys played with the rugby ball in the garden, passing the ball and practising lifts. Although I did get many photos on my walk this morning I thought I would rather post an action shot of Luke catching the ball, as I am getting bored with all the same shots from my walks!

Gavin and I have a video call with some friends at 6pm and then it will be another relaxing evening.

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