Mixture of .....

...... today and yesterday
As promised, a selection of photos ' from the cathedral service from yesterday , just a few that lost their life's . Top right is the shared ( face time) V E day tea with the family up north and bottom right my shopping daughter , thank you K, and she and I shared midday prayers and sang the hymns too. Then she and I wandered up the road ( K went to the chemist hoping to get the Milton I'd asked for 3 weeks running , alas still none to be had ) also was kind enough to ask about the Co op opening times for the vulnerable , 7am/8am ! Maybe next week or the following one I'll shop for myself but K assures me there's no problem
for her to continue getting the shopping . Bless her , I'm so grateful.
It's been another lovely day , enjoy the rest of your evening folks cos' it's going all down hill from tonight! Stay safe everyone.

Grateful ..... for the beautiful weather

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