Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Managed to climb a hill before the rain.

For once I got things right and had a walk before the rain arrived.
I even managed to see some sunlight for some of the way.

These rocks are called Worm Stones and are on a track to the top of a hill called Harry Hut to the West of Kinder Scout between Glossop and Hayfield.

I left the big camera at home and just took photos with my camera phone - pleasantly suprised with the results. I sent a couple of shot straight to my flickr account but have edited others incluidng this one - to straighten it slightly and a little fiddle with the contrast and lighting of the sky.

By the time I got to the top the wind was up and the gusts so strong I could lean back into them and feel they would support me - I didn't test it to see if I did fall backwards :-)

Got back without getting wet but after that there have been some very heavy showers with hail and some howling wind blowing all the trees about.
Still raining now.

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