
By LifeLines


The Loganberry (a cross between a blackberry and raspberry) at the allotment is showing plenty of blooms so I am hoping we might get some berries this year.  I inherited it when I got my plot and have been nurturing it for the last few years as it was looking quite sickly when I first saw it.  

When I spoke with one of the older men who has an allotment plot, he explained that he remembers how many years ago the man who had my plot, bought the Loganberry.  His wife later found out how much it had cost and I think he got quite a telling off for spending so much money on it.  That makes me hope even more that it produces some fruit!

Another warm and sunny day and a delight to be outside.  Did a video call with Dad today and compared our progress at vegetable growing.  An evening watching the start of another series of the portrait painting competition that we've been watching these past few months.  We are back to 2013 now!

Hoping your day has gone well.

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