Botanical Gardens
Mothers Day here in NZ and Australia, and its been an awesome and happy day.
Doug cooked me a fabulous breakfast, then a little later a combined Facetime with my Townsville and Wellington families.....brilliant and a lot of fun, the best family togetherness ever under the circumstances.
This afternoon we drove (exciting, only our second time out while in Level 3) taking 5 minutes to the Botanical Gardens for a walk. Of course I took the camera with too. The light was so lovely, and with some autumn colours showing I took lots of photos. I've made a PV which is my blip, and there are two others showing the extraordinary light in extra.
We were just home, and it was time to get organised for my weekly Zoom with my North Island photography friends. That went well, lots of chatter, laughing along with critiquing as well. Our next subject is abstract - I should feel comfortable with that one !!
Today’s Stats
New Cases 2 new, 0 probable (yesterday 2)
In hospital 2 (yesterday 2) 0 in ICU
Recovered 1371 (yesterday 1368) 92%
Deaths 0 (21 previous)11 of these are from the same Aged Care Facility
South Canterbury 17 (yesterday 17) 0 in our local hospital
Total Cases 1494 (yesterday 1492)
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