Showing off.

This Rhododendron I bought this year is just showing off with it’s profusion of blooms. Definitely the star of the garden at the moment. I hope I can keep it well enough to do the same next year. This plant has replaced the one bought from my Dads garden when he died 11 years ago in the heavy planter it stands in. That also flowered well for many years even though there’s not a lot of root room.

Made a couple of long phone calls to friends, have also given the dogs a good groom, and for a change a little bit more painting! It’s never ending, especially when I found two coats are needed to cover the old paint!

What a change in the weather - from the perfect sunshine of the past two days to dull, cold and windy.

Waiting to see what Boris has in mind for the next step in this lockdown situation, I suspect very little. I’m particularly interested to see if he’s going to be making allowances for the tourist industry, I very much doubt it, but live in hope! We were due to have a weeks holiday in a cottage in Norfolk the beginning of June, Hayley and family also have a cottage, this was going to be ideal to holiday during ‘term times’ as she’s on maternity leave and once she’s back at work in July teaching, that will be the opportunity missed, unless she leaves teaching .... Now there’s a good idea!

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