A little deadheading was needed
These Iris have given a lovely show, but needed tidying today, that was this afternoons garden titivate. Earlier, lots earlier, I was up on the plot, watering everything generously, bar the spuds. Will there be a frost, won't there??? Many of us were busy tucking are plants up, my spuds definitely needed covering as I could'nt bank them up any more, & I certainly did'nt want to lose them. A little ingenuity, a ball of string, pile of newspapers, plus fleece, netting & more, the job was done. Runner beans, peas, & spuds, covered. Lunchtime!
This afternoon, I've been sorting seed. I'm itching to sow more but until some of the veggies go up to the plot I have'nt room.
Just had a chat with Mum, she's found a home for most of the bedding plants I bought for her. Had lots of chats with neighbours passing by as she's been working ... think this gardening malarky is in my genes.
I love these iris as much now as when they were in their prime. Looking closely at the gnarly, twisted petals, the fading colours ... beautiful! Now chopped up and destined for the compost heap.
Thanks to Marlieske for hosting
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