Stick remembered less than eggs

Here at the Chas Darwin School of Extra Murals we have drawn a sad conclusion: snake remembers stick less than eggs.

Our keen observer, The Evolutionary Principal, brought an early and devastating report that the eggs had gone.

I, being the Evolutionary Oaf, the recessive jean wearer and still slumbering under the Claratyn’s care , thought carissima was referring to a Sunday breakfast about to appear by magic.

Sadly she meant the Redstart nest and the eggs aforeto mentioned. The snake literally rose up the wall early.

Sad alright but to be honest in some ways a relief as the psychodrama of the Redstart upbringing so close at hand was wearing and two years ago had a startlet in the kitchen with some kind of neck problem that did not bode well.

Mum and Dad have stopped visiting the nest. What grief beats in their tiny Redstart hearts?

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