First Rose

The trouble with having such a photogenic dog is every time you get the camera out to take a picture of anything else, she sits in front of it!!!!

The roses have started to bloom on the white(ish) wall and they always look amazing. Its a bit covered in green fly at the moment but theres a family of bluetits happily feeding on them so I won't spray them just yet.

Boris addressed the nation with the next steps for the lockdown. But I was left feeling confused and a bit upset. I love Boris but he wasn't very clear. What I gained from it was we can go to work but we can't see family. I will not go back to work before seeing my girls if the first proper people we see in 7 weeks is work colleagues. I'm sure it will become clearer in the days to come.

No news on my mothers funeral yet but I think I have made the decision not to go. I was worried I might regret it if I didn't go, but I think I will regret it if I do.  I'm also finding the constant talk of Covid 19 upsetting as thats what she died from. I think it would have been easier if she had died from something else. Every mention of "deaths from Covid" just reminds me of her when I still can't find any happy memories deep in my mind.I'll be ok I know. I'm just documenting thoughts.

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