
Snowing again, this time there is only 0c degrees and the snow is awfully wet.

We had to go by bus to the other side of the city - to a special dentist - and back again during rush hour.
Just lovely... Or maybe not...

Honestly I travel so seldom by bus, and rarely never in winter time. The buses were so full of people - all wet - trying to get into or out of the bus.

As a some kind of a loner I hate rushing and tightness. And even more uncomfortable was that I had to go back to work after this bus-travelling to do some unfinished jobs...

Felt so tired as I got home today. Food and drink and a short rest in the sofa. And a short walk outdoors and cleaning the garden swing later from the snow now in the evening. It felt good. Spring is coming with the snow, as always...

Let's now have some Wales tea with milk?
Good night!

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