CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Dwarf Rhododendron

A bright but cold day

Busy day with another Listening Service Telephone Conference call. Much more difficuly with a dozen people compared to Zoom conference calls. Still, we got through the Agenda ok.

I am preparing the Service for Sunday - which involves developing skills with recording on Zoom and using the Win10 Photo App to merge the various clips. Who says you get too old to learn new skills. Later, it was my granddaughter's 15th Birthday, so we had a chance to see the family while being 10 feet apart. Oh the joys of Lockdown - Oh the confusion between two Governments about when to ease restrictions. I have to say, I feel far more comfortable with the more cautious Scottish approach - even though it means more time with the restrictions.

I do love when my Dwarf Rhoddy starts to open out after a long winter of the buds barely showing - and the mystery of how they change from dark red petals to pink ones when fully in blossom.

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