Northern Exposure

By Northern

3 course dinner, must be Sunday.

We’ve all just realised it’s Monday, at 7.30pm!!

We think it’s because Steven was at home. He’s been seconded to the councils covid19 advice hub since the library closed and is there 5 afternoons a week, sometimes Saturday as well. This week they’ve changed the rota so he’s not in until Wednesday. That seems to have been all it took for our vague notion of whether it’s a weekend day or not to be scuppered.

So our Sun/Monday dinner grew into a 3 courser with Campbell making wild garlic soup and then getting over excited and baking a carrot cake as well, both were delicious. In between we had Steven’s home made focaccia and roasted veg with falafel.

I now need to find a good Sunday night drama on telly to snooze off dinner.

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