shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Something to avoid

I was back in the nature park for today's exercise, where I captured this. The local youth do enjoy a good bonfire, which rather scares those of us who live round the park when things have been as dry as they have been recently. The police do the odd patrol round, but there are signs of fresh bonfires most days. 

There were a few locals around the park today, one mum with her family looked familiar, I chatted briefly with them about the tadpoles in the pond before they headed further into the park. It was only then I realised that she was familiar as it was Anneliese Dodds, our MP, who lives on this estate. We'd spoken briefly outside the school last year on election day when she was canvassing for votes after dropping her kids off. She held her seat very solidly - Oxford East is a lovely wee Labour enclave. Last month she was named Shadow Chancellor, so was probably very much enjoying the time with her family away from arguments about politics and the economy. The highlight of today has been planning the Lego illustrations for next Sunday's kids talk. It's going to be fun to do if I can get it done in time!

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