Play date

This morning was emotionally draining - a very long meeting at the health visitor's office. Lots of soul baring and worry that baby's weight is dropping down the centile charts - which she said could be due to the stresses. I've got to go back regularly now for progress checks. Not unduly worried yet.

This afternoon I was able to relax and do a bit of cooking and baking as we had a good friend and her three little ones over for tea. We had a good natter and the six children were excellent. Arwen seems to like being around the older ones - maybe that is a factor in why she's developing so quickly (sitting almost unaided, rolling side to side, desperate to be on her feet and a very vocal communicator). We will see. I do feel like I'm on a bit of a roller coaster. I'm winging it each day which isn't surprising given the need to fit around others. I'm going to try to make more of an effort to get Arwen into a more predictable pattern to her day though. Yeah right ;))
30/365 completed.

Ps thanks for all the kind words in yesterday's blip.

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