An early evening

a cold day yesterday and then last night we had a frost. I took this last night from the kitchen window looking out and wondering if my allotment would survive.
Our "leader" has announced a complicated and muddled set of Covid 19 rules which seem to cover England but are running against what the other countries in the Union are legislating. Living in London it is more straight forward but must be difficult for people living near the borders of Scotland or Wales, roaming free on one side but not on the other.
We are now being encouraged to stay out as much as we want and can meet up with one other person as long as we stay 2 metres apart and can travel as far as we wish (but stay local?). A few more shops/businesses are to open including garden centres which has half the country very excited. Those that can't work from home eg builders and factory workers are being encouraged to return to work but please dont use public transport, huge sums of money being poured into cycle lanes and footpaths, it is reckoned that 60 % of the nearly 9 million people in London use public transport, there are huge problems in the making here. We are to wear material masks when in confined public spaces (material masks mean that the higher grade medical masks are reserved for medical and care support workers).

We will just plod along as we have been doing, nice to meet up with a friend though.

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