Stage Two in the life of an Oca!

A cold day today. Haven't been further than the deck, tho' Mrs M went for a walk this afternoon.

This is one of my Oca plants - I Blipped a sprouting tuber on 14th March - getting big enough to plant out in the tunnel, tho' at the moment I don't think I'll be in a position to get there. I thought at first it was pronounced  'Oh-ca' but apparently it's 'Okka', Oxalis tuberosa. I quote "One of the 'Lost Crops' of the Incas, this is a wonderful plant still widely grown in Bolivia & Peru. Oca is planted and cooked just like potatoes (although they are smaller, the size of new potatoes) and it has a lemony taste like potatoes with lemon butter." 

With a bit of luck I'll have enough to actually try eating them this year. We'll see! Just hope I like them!

Quote of the Day:

Douglas Coupland - "I don't want any vegetables, thank you. I paid for the cow to eat them for me. 

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