A week of birthdays.

After breakfast we went in the car to drop some birthday gifts off with some cards for our friends’ daughter who is 3 years old today.
Her parents are godparents to our grandchildren.
We had collected one of the presents from another friend, which she had left outside when she knew Stephen would arrive in the car.
Such a weird world at the moment.
We knocked on the window and birthday girl came to the door with her dad as we stood outside on the front lawn at a distance, to sing Happy Birthday to her.
She waved us goodbye a few minutes later and Stephen drove home for a meeting, by phone this time.
I decided to walk home.
It was sunny with the chilly wind, but not as blustery as yesterday.
Not as much cloud as this afternoon.
I enjoyed myself immensely.
There was a beautiful white wisteria hanging over a wall, etched against the blue sky as I passed by, so the photo is in extras.
It was my usual circular route.
I passed by someone I had known whose children had been at school with our Matt, so we stopped on opposite sides of the wide drive leading through the Moor Hall Estate, and had a catchup.
I’m finding more and more people are doing so, as I guess we all need that human contact, when we only see other friends and family on FaceTime or WhatsApp video.
A cup of tea was required with a biscuit after the walk. I sat in the summerhouse for awhile.
Post lunch, and Stephen had a business meeting on-line.
The grandchildren then came on FaceTime. They were making model planes from ready-cut card parts, and colouring them.
Bonnie, 1yr, is getting used to seeing us and hopefully when in the distant future we all get to meet again she will know us well. We play peek-a-boo which makes her laugh!
My usual Tuesday catch up with my 3 neighbours and one other old friend joined us today at 4.00pm. Good to “see” everyone again.
I’m having a bacon sandwich for tea, with HP sauce! Bacon butty as we used to call them.
I’m behind with comments just now, but I’ll catch up eventually.

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