Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Holwell Hawthorn

With clear blue skies forecast all day I couldn't resist a drive up to the near moor as a starting point for a walk with Jorgie.
The 'Stay at Home' message from the government has changed to 'Stay Alert' and, although officially, the right to drive somewhere for your exercise 'rule' doesn't come in until tomorrow, I thought I'd visit Holwell Lawn before (what I think will be) the crowds later in the week. 

On the way we had to pass Kipsie's impressive allotment so called in to say hello and a brief natter. So lovely to see my friend after these past weeks.
Jorgie was delighted to see her foster mum

Once parked, Jorgie and I set off across the open moorland. The chilly wind was still blowing but it didn't detract from the pleasure of being outside.
There were a few people walking in the distance but I didn't see anyone to speak to for another couple of hours.
Saw lots of skylarks, ravens, a few wheatear and several cuckoos, who were calling all across the tors. Some new born Dartmoor foals were enjoying the warm sunshine too. One little colt took a liking to Jorgie and started following us. I hope that this wasn't an indication that people have been feeding him. (1st extra)
The route took me down into the steep sided Becka Brook valley and then up again on the other side. At such times I do question my sanity for carrying my heavy cameras and lenses.
By the time we had reached Holwell Lawn I was ready for a rest. We sat down near this lovely hawthorn Tree which was surrounded by bluebells.
I hadn't thought of using the PV technique when I was there so this is only a few merged images but I like the effect.
Soon it was time to start back. Down into the valley again and then a lung busting scramble up the other side to Holwell Tor.
I then followed the route of the Granite Railway where a police helicopter swooped low as it swerved past me.(2nd extra)
 I could feel the Guilty sign on the top of my head flashing 

Day total 5.4 miles
Year total 440.4 miles

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