Plus ça change...

By SooB

Pizza and rabbits

Classy photo with which to re-enter the fray...

I find myself retreating further into an introverted bubble of isolation, and perhaps I don’t think I have much to share. I do miss blip though, so I’ll leap back in.

Work is soaking up a lot of my attention and energy, and my evenings are spent in a torpor of Mr B’s fine cuisine and West Wing reruns. Weekends are full of gardening, or moping about the rain.

In panic at being the breadwinner, I have added a mahoosive new contract job to my almost manageable in-tray. Intimidating, but needs must.

Today saw work, money shuffling, a 16th birthday party for my godson, and pizza making. I have ordered a pizza oven for Mr B, but it is currently stuck in Germany as it is bigger than my post box. One day...

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