
A morning spent on digital jiggery-pokery plus some more ordering of photos (it's just the best right now!) and then out back for the daily turbo session, surrounded by washing flapping on the line in a rather more-than-moderate breeze. I may even have wobbled on a couple of occasions but....all good :-)

Then stuck some film in the camera late afternoon and headed over to The Southside for a bit of a wander. Had just pressed the shutter for a final time (in the window of a bridal shop on Buccleuch Street since you ask) when the heavens opened and I legged it into the nearest doorway. Before realising it was here for a while and trudged my way home regardless....a little bit soggy by the time I arrived.

But no worries! Scotmid had flour! The film got developed pronto! My girls made us a great evening meal!

Looking forward to scanning those negatives later.

Today's Playlist


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