Running away from the deer

Another day of teaching on the Masters course. So far, so good.
Today would have been my mother’s 85th birthday. My brother sent me a video that he’d taken at her surprise 60th birthday party. Sadly, she passed away two years later. It was nice to see so many friends and family members in the video but many of them are no longer with us. 

I started blipping exactly 10 years ago today.

I wasn’t too good at keeping it up but still have a photo for all the missing days. Hopefully one day I will be able to upload them so that I will have a full set.

Later on in the afternoon, I went for a 5k run with Ben. He went home and I waited in the park for the girls and we went for a short walk. They cooked dinner when we got home and I jumped into a very hot bath as my calf muscle is hurting. I didn’t manage to stay in there for very long as dinner was ready. I came out with crazy hair as I didn’t get time to condition it.  After dinner, I had a zoom meeting with my work friends Graham and Neeta. 

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