A busy day - or what counts for in these odd times. . OpenReach tuned up at 8.30 to try to fix my broadband without coming into the house. Apparently they have been told it’s up to them whether they do or not . It took them 3 hours, with a lot of head scratching and questions to me outside and socially distanced, but I now have broadband again. It’s a surface cable which runs all the way down the edge of the drive and in through a window . Ithe socket is in the downstairs bedroom so signal doesn’t reach all through the house, but it’s a lot better than nothing . Roll on 5 June when I should get fibre. Gardener came to cut the lawn so tied orange fabric all along the cable- don’t want him accidentally cutting through it! Worked for a few hours, got three deliveries, planted 15 lavender plants and went for a walk with L to check out her walk to work when campus reopens. Zoom chat with book group - felt a bit disconnected from everyone though as I have to switch my video off and even then I kept loosing sound

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