Orange Friday

A bit cloudy today, but that is all right.  Another backyard bloom, but closer to the water.

It is a relief to not have to know the day of the week, and the weekend is any day that you wish it to be.  That said, I think that for the thousands of caregivers and medical staff all over the world, the same could be said.  They have worked non-stop for the past two months, their weekdays and weekends are also all the same, their workdays and leave days are the same.  The grief and the deaths and the futility sometimes has made them tougher than the toughest rattan furniture you can think of.  Maybe now that statistics are going down in many places, they can have a bit of a rest.  They deserve a 200% pay increase and so much more.

Finished the second Molecular Biology MOOC this evening with a 9.7.  A nice way to close the day.  Of course, more is coming.  I didn't expect anything else ... haha!

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