Flag will be flying

Yesterday (back-blipping as I forgot to do it on the 12th) the only photograph I took was the bike with the RAF Ensign on it.
I took the top box off as I can't put flags on with the box in place, must get around to doing something about that!
And the reason for the flag is, I recently heard of the death of someone I knew in the RAF many years ago, in 1974. He came to RAF Boddington shortly after I arrived there, for the second time, but Andy was a 'direct entrant' meaning he was not a young apprentice as most were. He must have been around 18 or 19.
I was tasked with being his mentor because although military training is second to none it just isn't quite the same as being in a live situation. So we got to be quite good friends over the months. After a while he said he'd like to go abroad so I advised him he can volunteer to go on PWR (Prelminary Warning Roster for overseas postings). He did that and was offered Goose Bay. He asked me about it and I told him what I knew, it is up by the arctic circle in Canada, freezing cold but very busy with the V Bomber force training and was one of the 'friendly' airfields the V Force would divert to if they successfully make an atomic bomb/missile attack on the Soviet Union. Off he went and returned six months later pickled with alcohol and a great time having and looking like Nanook of the North!
I lost touch with him after my posting to the Maldives and when I saw a recent posting about his death on an RAF facebook page I contacted his son to give my condolences. I then find he lived about 2 miles away from me for all these years.
I cannot attend the funeral due to the Covid19 restrictions but I will be escorting the hearse on the bike, hence the flag flying on the 20th May.
RIP Andy.

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