Place: Centreville, VA 40/63
Main activity: Tues around house & walk
Notes: Mic back to work and I had a couple work calls, did some more documenting of the race processes. One call was with Patrick McGee from St Anthony's on his plan for doing the triathlon in Oct with a virtual option and creating new virtual races (way too many out there already). I do not agree with anything he's trying to do and think it's just going to cause much more mess than already is. Applied online to Trader Joe's in St Pete, did some stuff around the house. Mic & I were going to do a run to Trader Joe's when she finished work but decided to wait - took garbage up instead and then longer walk around the complex. Figured out how to make the new lock work for the front door by changing the size settings. Leftover pizza for dinner (paleo crust this time instead of cauliflower). Watched another episode of Downton Abbey (we started the series over).

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