6°C - Feels like 3°C - 10 mph ESE Wind Speed - 12 mph Gusts - Cloudy - Rainy Spells - Sunny Spells. Drove down to the Post office to mail some prints of my Moon with Witch flying across it - my niece, Fiona, had requested some copies of it - wonder what witchcraft she's up to☺ Boots is next door to the Post Office so I called in to buy a face mask, only to be told they don’t stock them, but that Nickel & Dime across the road did. What sort of world are we living in when the local Pharmacist doesn’t stock face masks, but a variety store like N&D does?? The man in N&D Was very helpful - he told me he had a lot of Boots staff buying masks from him! He had a shelf-full of different designs and he explained them to me very knowledgeably! I bought a white 3D Mask KN95 - no idea what a KN95 mask is but I’ve got one now! Back home with the birds life was continuing much more normally☺ I think the Blackbird in my Main blip is probably a young male. I thought the Chaffinch in my Extra was so handsome and had to be blipped.
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