
By amandoAlentejo

New Hall Manor

Walking along the New Hall Valley Park, you get a view of the Manor House,which is now one of the best hotels in the W Midlands - about £100 a night. It is supposedly the oldest inhabited moat house in Britain - about 800 years old. The moat is continuously fed by seven springs. Interesting history here. Supposedly several ghosts, including a headless body.

Went to see "Les Mis" with Ju and Mim - to my surprise, practically ALL of it sung. I've never seen the play or read the book, so can't compare, but wow! what an incredible portrayal of grace and redemption, the dead endness of legality, and of hope for the future.

Two favourite quotes:
- "It is nothing to die. It is frightful not to live."
- "To love another person is to see the face of God."

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