Day 57

Since we went into quarantine .
Our normal 2:3 mike walk this morning. Not as cold as yesterday but still cold. We varied the route by walking through the park.
I then potted up the tomato plants and sewed some more lupin seeds that I put into soak yesterday for a couple of hours. (Oops I forgot them)
Alan Continued with the front room tidy up. More equipment put to one side for our grandson.
Christie then FaceTimed and this is a picture of the whole family together as Abigale wanted both mummy and daddy and koda to be sit together. Daddy had just finished his 4 day rotTion and is off later on to lac Le biche for an ambulance course, when he gets back Friday he will be straight into another rotation and then off for a 7 day practicum at Athabaska . When he gets back from that he is strIght back on to a rotation. Phew then relax

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