
By brambleblossom

Blue and white for the month of May .

Today began with the alarm going off as I decided that I need more time to fit in all the things I want to do in a day . Made our two socially distanced visits this afternoon, we were well wrapped up as it’s still chilly unless you are in the sun . 
It was a delight to see Arthur enjoying being in the garden , he is already an outdoor chap and each night they have to go through a routine of saying  goodnight to the garden. 
Chatting with our good friends in person was also a huge treat . 
We have a camping trip planned with them in June which will have to be put on hold but we were trying to think of ways to manage a camping trip in this “new normal “
Time for tea, a fish dish , normally prepared by Dave and very tasty . Hope my version is up to scratch.

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