Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Sunday — Mom

Mother's Day is always a little strange or maybe I should say strained. When my mom died at 57, I knew that I'd miss her always, but I didn't realize how long always could be.

Sometime after Mom's death I knew that I wanted her early leaving to have a positive impact on my life, and I think it has. I think I live my life with an urgency and a "knowing" that I might not have had . . . knowing that tomorrow is not a guarantee.

I want my life to honor Mom's and I think it has. I think I disappointed her so terribly when I got married at 15, though once we got past that horrific moment, she never pointed back at it. I think she loved Mr. Fun more than she loved me, and she definitely loved the grandkids more. She was always a forward looking person. If there is any page I have taken from her book, I hope it is that one. To look forward; to believe the best; to see the glass half full--no matter what. Mom, I miss you — thanks for putting up with me.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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