twinned with trumpton


I tried to get a load of work done before Zander arrived; not wholly successful as the work IT was proving less than useless.

The lad arrived, I spent half an hour looking over his work for the day and off we went to
Lidl at lunchtime for dinner bits; and 'work'  resumed.

Tom arrived mid afternoon, (he'd called me earlier with a maths query ' I would ask mum but she's sleeping just now') and then occupied each other so I finished the day more or less where I should have been

Shepherds pie and a bike ride to Cramond - with Alex it was more 10km than 10 miles.

She managed an argument in the evening so signs that she's feeling a little better. Testing was done, but I fear from initially trying to contact them for a postal test on Saturday, it's going to be picked up Thursday so neatly a week has elapsed before any test can be done. Not only are the self imposed figures a piece of nonsense, they're largely ineffectual for a lot of people anyway. Are we any further with tracking yet? I saw as looking for staff the other day so I'm guessing it's still some way off. All sound bites, no substance

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