Grubby's Blipfolio

By Grubby

Who needs a watch when you find a Dandelion Clock

Although it was a lovely day for some reason I never ventured outside of my boundaries. I was struggling to find a blipworthy subject but there's always something in the garden if one looks. This lovely Dandelion Clock was ready to spread more seeds around my garden. I googled why it's called a clock and something from my childhood memories came back to me:

Why is it called a dandelion clock?
Turns out that's a British name for the head of a dandelion once it's gone to seed. It's also the name of a game played with such dandelions. To quote Wiktionary: A children's amusement in which the number of puffs needed to blow the filamentous achenes from a dandelion is supposed to tell the time

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