A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Early doors.

I took these photos at 7.30am. If my phone battery hadn’t needed charging and I’d got out ten minutes earlier for my solo walk I might have had more time to spend watching and photographing them. 

I could see they were at the lower end of the field above the village cricket ground as soon as I was over the gate. I approached very carefully taking a couple of shots and then, as you can see, something caught their attention.  

A dog walker coming around the top of the field! They were off.
Never mind I did see them and the gentleman had the dog on the lead and was apologetic as he knew what had happened. Not his fault he had just as much right to be there as me.

Headed up through the woods and onto the moor. Not something I often do on my own. There are so many paths and I’m often following someone else so I was pleased to find my way across to the path that leads down to the hamlet of Ryecroft through which I made my return.

A lovely morning after a sharp frost which has sadly damaged the lovely ‘hot’ azalea I featured on last Saturday’s blip. Also the red bracts on the Pieris, though I know they will come back.
I could see the moon in the vast blue sky on the moor and also spotted the contrail of an aeroplane, quite rare at the moment.
When I looked around I could see three!

Chris stayed home to plant the tree we bought yesterday and after my breakfast we set off to the same garden centre again (still quiet) and bought another tree - a Malus - crab apple.
It was heavier than yesterday’s to carry home! We’ll soon have that new fence (not ours) softened. I like the dark leaves on the flowering crab and both it and the Rowan should have nice autumn fruits for the birds.

Chris just has to dig another hole now!

Stay safe everyone.

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