Not ready for the selfie yet

Luke hasn’t cottoned on to the photo malarkey yet! A day of turmoil making decisions as to whether or not to send the boys back to school or not if and when they reopen in a few weeks time! Mikey thinks we should as they are all going a bit stir crazy - so we initially replied and said they would go back. Then I spent the whole night tossing and turning and having massive anxiety about the situation. I’m so lucky to be on mat leave and have the option to keep them home and keep them safer!! It seems nuts to send them back for 1 month and put them at risk just to get a small bit of learning in!! I sent the emails as soon as I got up and feel so much better about things now! It’s going to be hard when Mikey goes back to work but we are so fortunate to have our jobs and health right now

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