Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Keeping the wolves at bay

I can't really describe this week family wise properly, it had moments of sheer terror as a parent worrying about the safety of that which is most precious. Suffice to say a lost education, broken mental health and risk to life was brought about by the relentless bullying hatred of some teenage girls. They admitted their behaviour to the school, who described them as disingenuous and manipulative. Inbetween the worry, i've genuinely never been so full of rage and contempt, it continues to take every inch of me to try and channel it productively rather than destructively. We agreed with the school the best way to make things safe, as school was no longer safe, which is an unbelievable situation to arrive at. And then at the end of this worst of weeks, a wee light at the end of the tunnel, some respite from the burden placed by one group of female peers emerged from an unexpected place among a group of male peers; drama free, banter heavy support. Perfect. There is so much to try now to overcome, a young life to rebuild, removing triggers, but as a parent, that wee bit of support that came to light did a lot to restore my faith in humanity and the next generation. Some teenage boys can be pretty impressive on the "we've got yer back, ignore the wankers" front.

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