About time?
A bit of a puzzle. It's a while since this one flowered. I can't remember when it was last re-potted - but - the puzzle runs thusly:-
1. I have never used other than chipped bark as Orchid compost.
2. It's in a pot which was bought as a pot, not with a plant in it, they'd not sell an Orchid in a pot declaring it was an Orchid pot.
3. I could have sworn I saw sphagnum in among what I took out of the pot; check, as mam used to say "in the "A"fulness of the "M".
I'll take a wild guess that I have, some time in the past, just lifted it bodily and placed it into another pot, without "re-potting" as such and changing the compost at the same time
On the left - what came out of the pot.
In the Centre - the plant after a "rootectomy" which removed the bulk of the. dead/dying roots + the bottom inch of stem. (Clue to its advancing years.)
On the right - what I ended up with.
It may be my warped eye, but I've just looked at it now and I could swear it smiled; it seems to be looking better already.
It'll maybe reward me by flowering now.
Which brings me to another. As I was looking at this one I had a squint at the next nearest; this one, which, at the time I didn't mention, but its flower spike(s) have grown from the centre of the plant rather than one or two axils down from top. It may be tomorrow's blip if I can ascertain its number and label it.
A Census has just revealed a total of six leaves since it last flowered; like I said - "about time." ?
In retrospect, all six leaves may not be since the last flower as that was as recently as June '18; a mere couple of years.
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