
With a little Faffing in FX Photo Studio for Abstract Thursday are these new leaves and buds on the Viburnum.    

A beautiful, just about perfect spring day.  I was so ready for this.  Planted some potatoes and Brussels sprouts after doing the garden tilling with my new toy yesterday.  It was a bit of a workout too as my muscles are letting me know today.  I guess all those planks I've been doing aren't as strenuous as domineering the tiller.  We were outside all day and I know I put a few miles on just walking back and forth around the yard.  Na'iema found lots to do, watering, washing things - she loves that hose! The weather tomorrow calls for high winds and possibly hail.  Hope those little plants are hardy.  

This is my offering for AT255 hosted still by Ingeborg, even in the midst of some pretty distressing news about her son and his fiancé trying to get home to the Netherlands from I believe it's Japan. They sure could use some positive energy/prayers.

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