A little corner of the Garden of England

Another sneaky frost early this morning, I’m glad we left the veggiemesh covering the spuds.

It soon warmed up as the sun rose higher. A grand morning to be outside painting the studio. Third and final coat on the south facing side and second and final coat on the sheltered side. All that remains is windows and doors and the other accessible side.

A walk joining together jobs: collecting a prescription, buying sympathy cards for the family of one of Susan’s relatives who died this week age 93 thankfully not from the virus and a trip to the allotment to remove the aforementioned covering.

Another week passes by. Friday night rituals ready to go. Saturday night rituals coming up and a big birthday for Susan on Monday. It has a zero in it. Like everyone else who had special events this year plans are on hold for another time.

A challenge choosing a blip from a disparate range of shots. In the end I liked this corner, it nearly got blipped the other day.

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