In which: self isolation day 54

- [ ] Bit of A level language discourse analysis. The word ‘heroes’ is preparing the implied reader for the idea that teachers & pupils will die. The word ‘hero’ has very specific connotations in this regard of going into danger with the idea of sacrificing yourself for a cause. The graphology of the chosen image positions the implied reader to see the role of a teacher to bring nurturing care to pupils and this is done by close physical proximity. The teacher does not wear PPE nor socially distance because that is in direct contravention to her role as a heroic nurturer. She is doing something which is inherently risky to herself. The modal verb ‘let’ underlines that teachers are prevented from fulfilling themselves if they are not put into a risky situation. The use of the personal pronoun ‘our’ positions the implied reader to recognise that teachers are not autonomous but servants of society who must serve, no matter what.

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