
The weather was better than expected and the sun this morning, when I took this picture, was lovely.

A bit cloudier later on so went ahead and power-washed the patio and the path round the house.

Dried off in time to join a zoom meeting of former colleagues to wish one of them surprise birthday good wishes. I do hope no one recorded the singing. But the positive intent was there.

All organised by one of the young people involved with the organisation who did a great job. Good to see many faces and catch up. It’s been an extremely busy time for the office with the introduction of virtual hearings. And the publication of the strategic outlook for 2020-23 which places children’s rights at the heart of the way forward, along with many positive commitments to improve experiences for infants, children and young people.

Looking forward to the lifting of restrictions so I can catch up in person again. Technology is helpful but it does not replace meeting up.

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