
This is our start to the day, and from there those clouds moved away to give us a clear autumn day, brilliant.  In extra is a close up of the group of trees on the right hand side of centre.  Both taken from my door.
We went for our walk after breakfast, bracing is the way to I would describe it.  Warmed up this afternoon and we both got out and did some gardening for a couple of hours.

Today’s Stats
New Cases 0 new, 0 probable (yesterday 1)
In hospital 3 (yesterday 2) 0 in ICU
Recovered 1428 (yesterday 1421) 95%
Deaths 0 (21 previous)11 of these are from the same Aged Care Facility
South Canterbury 17 (yesterday 17) 0 in our local hospital
Total Cases 1498 (yesterday 1498).


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