Another Garden Photo

This is a very pretty Rhododendron Flower; I have several of these bushes, they are quite tall. The bushes are covered with blooms.....they are very pretty right now.

Today was a busy day with several of them was very time consuming as Hubby and I worked together.

I just heard that a  neighbor, about 54 years old, died of a heart attack this week. I am acquainted with his wife, but I have not personally met him. So sad for this family. Tomorrow is never assured, is it?

Ellie and her Grandpa came over today; they picked strawberries in our yard. I had noticed that some of the Hood Strawberries were red so I called and told him that he could bring Ellie over to pick her favorite berries. I knew how much she loved picking them last year.....but this year she was hesitant and said, "I can't do it."  Hmmmm...she had no problem pulling the berries off last year. Oh well, she is 2.

Stay safe and notice the things we can be grateful for today. See you tomorrow.   Thanks, Anni, for hosting Flower Friday again this week! 

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